Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mathematics Motivational Articles for Your Child

I have these great articles for you kids to motivtae them to peak performance in mathematics. Please enjoy them.
Speak Yourself to the Top in Mathematics
The WORD of GOD says “There is power of life and death in the tongue” Your tongue is a powerful weapon that can either lift or relegate your performance in math. What you confess is what you will possess. Even if you are presently at the bottom of the class in math, begin to tell people that cared to listen that you will soon be the best in class.Share this news with your parents, brothers and sisters, your friends, your classmates, your math teacher. Tell them you will pass excellently in the next examination.You don’t need to bother yourself about their comments. You only need to stick to your resolution and begin to WORK towards your positive confession.Sharing this news with many people make you to work harder and towards your goal.Beyond the sky is your limit if you carry out this exercise continuously. Visit the various blogs on this page for more...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Parent Involvement Key to Student Achievement by Dr. Stephen Jones

Educators have said active parent involvement raises a student’s academic performance. Yet school districts have witnessed a steady decline in parent participation. Gone are the days when a mother stayed at home to raise children and participate in school activities. Parents are happy when they are not called to the school regarding their son/daughters behavior. Something needs to be done to make parent involvement in K12 schools a high priority on their list of daily activities.
What the educators are saying about parent involvement is true. Parents who read to their children early develop children who enjoy reading. Children are like sponges absorbing new knowledge at a tremendous rate. Today parents are too concerned about keeping their children entertained. Parents are great role models for their children’s love for learning. If the majority of the parent’s time is spent in front of the television then it becomes their child’s main source of information and learning. A student’s enthusiasm for learning should begin in the home then spreads to a child’s school instruction... Read more articles of this type by visiting the educational blogs listed to the right under my "Blog List":

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Healthy Study Habits

Hello, I have just uploaded some great eduactional articles on my blogs. One of the articles treat Healthy study habits for students. You can browse through the blogs below.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Unlimited Educational Articles

You are welcome to this page. I have some blogs set up for you to enjoy different educational articles. I will constantly add to these blogs so that you can always come around to enjoy fresh articles. I hope to cover a lot educational topics.

Please enjoyself

1. Mathematics tutor online
2. Enjoy good study habits
3. Homeschooling tips for you
4. Education for the kids

More blogs will be added soonest.